Osa Auctions & Farmers Market Spring Event
Spring event March 23rd 10am-5pm
Bring the whole family for a day filled with fun activties, prizes and a special guest…
Who is our special guest for our spring event 

Peter Rabbit 

The amazing Heroes For Hire is bringing Peter Rabbit along with him in the afternoon for a visit and photo oppertunities.
The time flies… before you know it we will start to have warmer weather and the spring event will be here!
We were busy this week filling eggs for our egg hunt with raffle tickets and toys…its early, but its a very time consuming task 

Egg hunt, raffle prizes, local small businesses and vendors and our vintage and antique market will be open 

We still have vendor spots! Crafters, artists, local farmers, and everything else in between, we would love to hear from you 

For any other inquiries please email: Lydiaosamarket@icloud.com
Location of Event:
2177 County Road 42, Belle River, N0R1a0
- Organizer: OSA Auctions & Farmers Market
- Phone #: 5193220545
- Email: lydiaosamarket@icloud.com
- Website: https://www.osauctions.ca