Get Your Garden Ready for Winter
Autumn doesn’t have to mean the gardening season is over! This is one of the most important times for gardeners.
Whether you’re looking to learn how to extend your harvest into the winter months or wanting to know how to properly put your garden to bed for the year, this workshop will cover everything you need to know about late season gardening.
Dane & Alley from GreenerFarms will go over how to build a cold-frame to grow cool-loving crops, list which crops do best in our area through the winter and how to grow them, and what your garden needs through the fall and winter in order to thrive next spring.
You won’t need anything for this workshop aside from a notebook, a pen, and an eager attitude to learn!
Cost: $30 | Optional cold-hardy seeds can be purchased at the workshops.
For more information: info@greenerfarms.ca | www.greenerfarms.ca